On Becoming Anna

Tag: art

Can we PLEASE stop talking about leagues

They’re stupid, offensive, and they literally make no sense.

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The Paying Guests review

Due to that fact that I have an essay due in in two weeks, a dissertation to write, and a future to sort out, I have, very cleverly, decided to write a blog post. I have decided that alongside my more personal posts, I would like to write some reviews too. I have recently realised that my dream is to be paid to do stuff and then write about it, and seeing as I am currently paying a small fortune to read a load of books every week, and then talk about them, I thought I might get some writing practice in, and show off how amazing my views on everything are.

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Diary of an over-stressed masters student

After finishing my English Literature degree last year, I made the decision to continue in postgraduate study and complete a masters degree in 21st Century Literature. I absolutely loved my undergraduate course, have no experience in anything that’s not retail and quite frankly, am not ready to join the real world yet. Or at least I thought I wasn’t at the time.

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Where I am now

It’s been a while since I last blogged properly; I’ve been swept up with the pace of studying in my third year of university and now I’m at the stage where I really need to start trying to figure out what on earth I want to do with my life.

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